Useful information and guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic
March 30, 2020
The new and challenging pandemic is affecting all of us in different ways and businesses around the world face great uncertainty, with rapid change and many worry about how this will affect the different aspects of our society.
We have gathered some useful links from different organizations and actors, where you can find up-to-date information on rules about layoffs, business emergency packages and other support measures during this pandemic.
- NAV Guidelines
- NAV videoes, information about layoffs (updated regularly)
- NAV information if you are laid off
- Information from Vestlandet Fylkeskommune
- Innovasjon Norge Payment delay due to corona virus
- Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane
- Norsk Industri
- Fellesforbundet
- Norges Rederiforbund
- Norwegian Government – loan for small and medium size businesses affected by covid-19
- LO
Despite the challenging time we are facing for months to come, we hope you are being safe, with good health and follow the presented guidelines.