Ever since the new owners bought Verlo AS in 2007, they have experienced an increase in activity every year. The need for more space is greater than ever and they are now in the finishing stages of moving.
– We have seen the need for more space for a long time, says CEO of Verlo AS, Knut Helge Sørpoll.
Right down the street
The building that is given new life, is called Firda Canning and is located only 100 meters down the street from Verlo’s current location.
– Firda Canning holds a lot of space for our store, offices and service station, which makes it convenient and accessible for our customers, says Sørpoll.
The construction companies Stormbygg and UNU are doing the renovation and Verlo’s service station has already moved in.
– The plan now is to move our offices and the store as soon as UNU is finished, most likely mid-October. The fact that we are only moving 100 meters down the street makes it possible for us to still use our slipway as before and increase our quay area with 70 meters, Sørpoll says.
– It was necessary to expand and move some of our activity to improve our logistics and meet the needs of our increased workload, Sørpoll continues.
The real estate company Verlo Eiendom AS is investing a significant amount in the renovation of Firda Canning and the building will, in addition to Verlo, be rented out to other companies such as NorTekstil and Vest Industrivask. Several shipping companies like Fanøyvåg, Sjøvær and Fjellmøy have their storage there and use the quay frequently.
– We still have more available space and are working to fill the whole building with activity, Sørpoll says.
A long process
Verlo was in contact with the owners of Firda Canning already in 2008, but they did not agree on a contract. They explored the possibility to move to Raudeberg in 2012 when they bought shipyard Blaalid, but that idea was not well received by existing customers and suppliers. The search continued.
– After some negotiation we bought Firda Canning in 2017. We began to plan how to make use for the space with upgrades and renovation, so this has been a long process for us. Small sheds were demolished on the North side of the building and a new parking deck was cast. After all, we are located in the center of Måløy, and parking is very important for our customers, Sørpoll says.
Verlo goes from a store of 100m2 to 500m2 and to 1000m2 parking.
Verlo has 16 employees and Sørpoll is proud of the development they have had over the years.
– Verlo’s employees have been working hard over many years. Things are constantly evolving, and we are moving to increase accessibility and make everything easier for our customers on both land and at sea, Sørpoll concludes.